Automation Systems
'Alexa, turn on my pool pump...'
'Your pool pump is on'
All Seasons' APSP Certified swimming pool professionals can hook your pool up to the amazing Amazon Echo... and a whole lot more!
Imagine a time when, while sitting at your office getting ready to head home, you take out your smart device and turn on your spa, set the lighting just right, make sure the water chemistry is perfect - so when you get there, you can just jump right in... well that time is now!
No more guessing what your chemicals readings are.
We can give you access from almost anywhere to your pool, right from your phone, tablet, or office computer!
Call us at 708-745-9335, email us, or use our handy 'Chat' to the right and ask us how we can make this dream your reality.
An automated System will save you money and time!
Installing a pool automation system will give you the flexibility to run the pumps and filtration system during off-peak hours. This will save you added hassle as well as a bundle on your energy bill.
Automatic controls manage the features for your pool and spa; including: lights, pumps, filtration systems, chemical feeders, jets, heaters, and any other electrical component you may have incorporated in your landscaping.